
Here’s How to Create a Reading Skills List to Find the Best Apps to Guide the Reading Journey

Parents might learn that their child isn’t reading at the expected benchmark for their grade level....

How Can Readability Support English Language Learning Program Students?

Children who use English language learning programs or participate in English as a Second Language (ELL)...

How to Teach a First Grader to Read

School districts that focus literacy education on ‘the science of reading’ utilize phonics instruction to ensure...

Why Methods for Teaching Comprehension Strategies Change Throughout Grade Levels

Reading fluency and reading comprehension impact reading proficiency. While children could decode words easily, if they...

These Five Vocabulary Apps for Kids Make it Fun to Learn New Words

Vocabulary skills help children grow their language knowledge and learn new words that help them to...

This App Reads Books Aloud

Children might never grow out of wanting to hear books read aloud to them. Even adults...