How to Choose the Best Reading App

January 23, 2020

Best Reading App

Helping your child learn how to read isn’t a one-way street. There are a lot of different factors involved in building a learning plan for young children.

Using a reading app as a part of your regular routine can help kids build a strong foundation to start their educational path. In this article, we’ll look at the different elements you should consider when searching for the best reading app for your child.

1. Reading Comprehension

In the beginning stages of learning to read, children are just starting to understand the concept of stringing written words together to form complete thoughts. This is a crucial phase in their development, and using a reading app is one way to reinforce the learning process.

By following along with them as they read an age-appropriate story, reading apps can adapt to their learning speed without interrupting the flow of the lesson. This will help them to pace their word count to better understand the context of what they’re reading. 

2. Vocabulary

The more words a child has in their repertoire, the better they’ll be able to communicate their thoughts and feelings. Reading is one of the most fundamental ways for children to learn new words.

Reading apps work just like traditional books, but they include interactive elements to maximize each kid’s learning potential. Since stories are made specifically for different grade levels, readers are being exposed to the right words for their reading abilities. 

3. Sight Words

Sight words, or high-frequency words, are the first words that most children learn how to read. Rather than piecing together individual sounds and syllables, they’re able to recognize the entire word on sight.

Reading apps are a helpful tool for identifying sight words, because the child will continue to be exposed to new words as they advance through each story.

Choose the Best Reading App

4. Technological Fluency

Technology has become a mainstay in the modern education system, both inside and outside of the classroom. Your children will also understand how to learn using technology from an early age.

The digital age shows no signs of slowing down, and educational tools are following that trend. New programs are constantly appearing on the market, and reading apps are now a preferred resource for early readers.

Teaching your child to read using a reading app will help them become familiar with technology, while also turning studying into a fun activity. 

5. Confidence

Many children who are able to read at the proper reading level still experience issues with reading aloud. Often, this is because they are not confident in their reading abilities.

Unsurprisingly, reading can also affect a person’s confidence in other aspects of life.

Using a reading app to study with your child will help them gain the reassurance they need to read fluently and comfortably no matter where they are. Tutoring your child with a reading app puts them in the driver’s seat, giving them power over their course of learning. 

6. Phonics

Phonics play a key role in the process of learning how to read. By understanding how different sounds come together to form words, young children use that same skill to make sense of written words.

Our AI-enabled reading app is designed for young children, and is specifically made to help your child read out loud. By starting at the base level, incorporating a reading app into your child’s learning plan will help them gain confidence from the start.

AI-enabled reading app

7. Critical Thinking

Stories are a fun, creative way for children to sharpen their critical thinking skills. Learning with a reading app is flexible and interactive, making the readers more independent and involved.

By following the context of a story, kids can get a stronger grasp on decision making, among other life skills. They’ll also exercise their ability to combine various parts of speech, character references, sound combinations, and more.

8. Higher Engagement

When children have a higher understanding of certain topics, they feel more comfortable with their knowledge and opinions about them. When it comes to confidence in reading, this is one major factor that affects their participation, growth, and development in the classroom.

By working with your children to get them over their reading hurdles at any level, they’ll likely become more interested in reading as a whole. Our industry-leading reading app is an easy tool that will help you navigate through your child’s learning process. 

9. Quality Time

Aside from helping your children advance in school, tutoring your children with a reading app gives you another excuse to spend time with them throughout the day. You’ll be able to see them achieve their reading goals, overcome difficult topics, and other milestones. 

10. Schedule Maintenance

Setting aside time each day just for reading practice is a simple way to get your kids used to incorporating academics into their schedules. Adding mobile tools, such as a reading app, makes the process even easier.

Our reading app adapts to your child’s reading speed and fluency, making it easier for you to plan for the amount of time each lesson will take.

Using a reading app to help your children read is a fast, simple way to guide your kids through each step of the language-learning process. Use Readability as an alternative to traditional 1-on-1 tutors, and give your kids the tools they need to read confidently and fluently in school and at home.