Tips for Improving Daily Reading Comprehension

June 2, 2020

Tips for Improving Daily Reading Comprehension

Reading every day is a fundamental part of the learning process, but repetition alone won’t turn your child into a strong reader. In order to truly build their skills, children need to understand what they’re reading.

Helping your child learn how to read more quickly, fluently, and confidently starts with nurturing their ability to analyze a story from start to finish. From AI-enabled speech technology to real-time reporting and analysis, there are a variety of tools on the market that can maximize your child’s results.

Take a look at some helpful techniques for improving daily reading comprehension.

What is basic reading comprehension?

Before you choose a solution, you need to know what to look for. Reading comprehension is the ability for the reader to understand the information that is being presented in a story. Rather than simply knowing how to sound out the words and phrases, readers comprehend a story when they can easily and quickly tell you about what they just read.

Without this critical component, readers can find it hard to move onto more advanced subject matter, which hinders their learning progress.

What are the reasons for poor reading comprehension?

Many children struggle with reading comprehension, especially when they are just starting to learn. With so many independent elements to keep track of, it’s no wonder that early learners are especially susceptible to becoming overwhelmed and discouraged.

In most cases, regular practice is the key to overcoming these common obstacles. That, plus constructive reassurance, will help your child understand their strengths as well as what they need to work on.

Tips for Improving Daily Reading Comprehension

How can your child practice reading comprehension?

Practice leads to improvement, but only when you’re practicing correctly. Simply repeating the same sentences over and over isn’t going to help your child reach the next level in their reading progress.

Here are some ways to help your children improve reading comprehension using supplementary tools and exercises:

Apply Technology with an AI-Enabled Reading App

Using tools that can respond to your child’s voice will help them overcome obstacles like reading under pressure, audience anxiety, and even pronunciation. By correcting their speech in real-time, our program helps readers get over hiccups much more quickly than trying to figure it out on their own. They can identify and address problem areas, and simply move on to the chapter.

Rotate Your Story Library

Your child’s attention span can also play a major role in their reading progress. If they aren’t interested in what they’re studying, they aren’t going to put in their best effort. The more options they have for reading material, the more they’ll look forward to this time of the day.

Be sure to provide your child with choices during each lesson. Allowing them to choose from a range of stories allows them to drive the lesson, and increases their chances of staying engaged all the way through.

Tips for Improving Daily Reading Comprehension

Use Vocab Flashcards and Spelling Activities

Rote memorization isn’t so effective on its own, but practicing vocabulary is a great way to supplement your child’s learning path. This will help them get through unfamiliar words, allowing them to move along in the passage without losing momentum.

This can also be a great excuse to incorporate fun games into your lesson, such as:

  • Memory
  • Word cloud
  • Wordsearch (you can find many free printable templates online)
  • Sand spelling

Gaining extra exposure to unfamiliar terms will help your reader feel more confident each time they come across a new word.

Use Props and Tools

Just like using digital tools can enhance your kid’s learning efficacy, using basic objects can aid them in their practice.

How many times have you lost your place while reading the news, taking you all the way back to the beginning of the sentence you’re reading? This also happens with early readers, and it’s more likely to delay their ability to get through the lesson.

Show your child how to use their finger or a ruler to follow along with the story. This will prevent them from losing their spot, while also giving them something to focus on.

Make this step even more exciting with fun objects like transparent colored tiles or pipe cleaners. Your child will look forward to choosing their tool for the day.

Like any skill, learning how to read is a process that requires a lot of patience, diligence, and understanding from both you and your child. Make the adventure fun for both of you and help them to gain a better understanding of what they’re reading with these interactive tips.

To give your children the best foundation, use a reading app to improve daily reading comprehension. Try Readability for free today!