How to Choose the Best Homeschool Reading Curriculum

April 27, 2020

How to Choose the Best Homeschool Reading Curriculum

The vast majority of schools in the U.S. are temporarily closed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Kids will be at home for the foreseeable future, so many parents have decided to take over for teachers. But homeschooling is not as easy as it may seem. For starters, parents have to find the right tools to help them teach their children. There are a lot of options out there, especially when it comes to reading curriculum, but some are better than others. Here are the factors you should consider when searching for the best homeschool reading curriculum style=”font-weight: 400;”> for your child:

  • Your Child’s Learning Style
  • Your Teaching Style
  • Your Availability
  • Your Budget
  • Your Child’s Interests 

Your Child’s Learning Style

Every child learns differently. If you want your child to learn a lot from your homeschooling efforts, make sure you choose a curriculum that matches their learning style . Some of the most common types of learning styles include:

  • Visual: Learns through pictures, images, and spatial understanding
  • Auditory: Prefers listening to lectures and lessons
  • Physical: Learns by getting hands-on experience rather than seeing or listening
  • Solitary: Prefers to learn on their own with minimal interruptions and instruction

If you aren’t sure what your child’s learning style is, don’t be afraid to talk to them about it. Make sure they understand that there’s no right or wrong answer so they tell you the truth. 

Your Teaching Style

Homeschool reading curriculum won’t be effective if it doesn’t match your teaching style. That’s why it’s so crucial that you take the time to identify what type of teaching style you tend to use. Some of the most common styles include:

  • Authority: Teaches by lecturing
  • Demonstrator: Teaches by lecturing, but also includes demos, interactive activities, and multimedia presentations
  • Delegator: Teaches by observing and encouraging peer-to-peer interaction or hands-on experience
  • Facilitator: Encourages students to openly discuss topics and ask questions

Identifying your teaching style plays an important role in choosing the right curriculum. For example, if you are a facilitator, you may not be an effective teacher if you choose a curriculum that requires you to take on the authority teaching style.

How to Choose the Best Homeschool Reading Curriculum

Your Availability

Another factor to take into consideration is your availability. Parents who aren’t working may have a lot of time to dedicate to homeschooling, whereas parents who are working from home may not.

If you don’t have much time, it’s important to choose a homeschooling program that encourages your child to work independently. Hands-on homeschooling programs that require a lot of instruction will not suit parents who don’t have much time to spare.

Your Budget

The cost of homeschooling curriculum can vary widely. A reasonable estimate for curriculum is between $300 to $600 per child, but some intensive programs can cost upwards of $1,500 per child.

Since this is a temporary arrangement for parents who are homeschooling as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to calculate how much you are willing to spend so you don’t go over budget. If you want to keep costs low, it’s best to look for apps or inexpensive books that can provide you with enough material to make it through this trying time.

Your Child’s Interests

Make sure you also think about your child’s interests when picking the right homeschool reading curriculum. Kids who are just starting—or who are struggling— to read will not be motivated unless they are interested in what they are reading.

If your child loves nature and space, for example, look for a program with a wide variety of science-related reading materials. This is a great way to get your child excited about becoming a better reader.

Keep these factors in mind as you research different homeschooling curriculum choices. By considering each of these factors, you should be able to quickly narrow down your options and find the right curriculum that meets your family’s needs.

Which Homeschool Reading Program is Best?

There are a number of different programs out there to choose from, but the best homeschool reading curriculum can be found on the Readability app . Using artificial intelligence and speech recognition technology, the app will listen to your child read and provide instant feedback and pronunciation correction.

The app also tests your child’s comprehension and keeps them engaged by asking questions about the text they’re reading. These features allow the Readability app to serve as a digital reading tutor for your child.

If you’re ready to help your child improve their reading skills, download the Readability app and start your free 7-day trial today.