Edu Faqs


What is Readability Tutor?

Readability Tutor is an app for students K-6th grade to help improve their fluency, comprehension and vocabulary by providing independent reading practice as a student reads aloud. The convenient dashboard tracks books read, time spent reading, WCPM, comprehension scores and so much more.

How does Readability Tutor work?

Readability Tutor uses a patented algorithm to analyze a student’s reading level and provide feedback on areas that need improvement. Students read passages of text aloud and answer comprehension questions verbally.  Readability’s AI provides feedback on their performance, highlighting missed or incorrect words read.

How can educators use Readability Tutor in the classroom?

Educators can use Readability Tutor to supplement their reading instruction, providing students with personalized feedback on their reading skills and identifying areas where additional support may be needed. In addition, educators can use the app for at-home reading practice with accountability. The tool can be used as part of a comprehensive reading program, helping to improve students’ fluency, comprehension, and overall reading ability. Link to Case Study.

Who can use Readability Tutor?

Readability Tutor is designed for students of all ages and reading levels, from beginning readers to advanced readers who are looking to improve their skills. Readability has also been particularly useful for struggling readers and students with dyslexia.

Is Readability Tutor evidence-based?

Yes, Readability Tutor is based on years of research and development, including studies that have demonstrated its effectiveness in improving reading skills. The tool aligns with best practices in reading instruction, including the National Reading Panel Report.

How can parents use Readability Tutor at home?

Parents can use Readability Tutor to support their child’s reading development at home, providing additional practice and feedback on their reading skills. The tool can help parents track reading progress while the student shows accountability for their own reading growth.

What research validates the Readability program?

The National Reading Panel Report is a comprehensive review of research on reading instruction conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). The report identifies five essential components of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

How does Readability Tutor align with the National Reading Panel Report?

Readability Tutor aligns with the National Reading Panel Report by focusing on the essential components of reading instruction identified in the report. The tool provides feedback on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, helping students improve their skills in each of these areas.

  • Phonemic Awareness: Readability Tutor provides feedback on students’ phonemic awareness skills by using real-time assessment while students read.
  • Phonics: Readability Tutor supports phonics instruction by providing feedback on students’ ability to decode words accurately. The tool highlights words that students may struggle with and provides coaching for pronunciation.
  • Fluency: Readability Tutor provides feedback on students’ fluency by analyzing their reading speed and accuracy. Students, parents and teachers can see reading progress via the dashboard.
  • Vocabulary: Readability Tutor supports vocabulary development by providing feedback on students’ understanding of key vocabulary words and word meanings. The tool highlights unfamiliar words and provides definitions and synonyms to expand students’ vocabulary.
  • Comprehension: After each passage, Readability Tutor assesses students’ comprehension skills by asking them comprehension questions aloud, which the student can respond to verbally. The tool provides feedback on students’ ability to identify main ideas, make inferences, and draw conclusions, helping to improve their overall comprehension ability. 
  • In addition to aligning with the five essential components of reading instruction, Readability Tutor also aligns with best practices in reading instruction, including the science of explicit and systematic instruction, the use of evidence-based practices, and the importance of differentiation and individualized instruction to meet the needs of all learners.
How do AI and Speech Recognition work to support students?

AI & Speech Recognition computer programs can support students in learning to read in a variety of ways:

  • Personalized instruction: AI computer programs can analyze a student’s reading abilities and provide personalized instruction based on their needs. The program can adjust the difficulty level of texts and provide targeted feedback on specific skills, helping students to make progress at their own pace.
  • Automatic assessment: AI computer programs can assess students’ reading skills automatically, providing teachers with valuable data on each student’s strengths and weaknesses. This can help teachers to tailor their instruction and provide targeted interventions to support struggling readers.
  • Interactive feedback: AI computer programs can provide interactive feedback to students as they read, highlighting words or phrases that may be difficult and providing definitions or synonyms to support vocabulary development. This can help students to build their reading comprehension skills and develop a deeper understanding of the text.
  • Engaging content: AI computer programs can use gamification techniques and interactive features to make reading instruction more engaging and motivating for students. This can help to build a love of reading and encourage students to read more frequently, which can improve their overall reading skills.
How do I change a student’s reading level?

Click on Students


Click on the Edit Icon


Drag the Handle to Change a Child's Reading Level


Click on Save

How do I send a Welcome Email?

Click on Students


Click on the Envelope Icon under Actions

How do I add a student?

Click on Students


Click on Add Student


Add the Student's First and Last Name


Add a Student ID


Select a Pin


Select the Child's Age and Reading Level


Select your Child's Grade


Click on Save

How do I import students from a CSV/XLSX file?

Click on Account


Select the Import Icon


Download the Sample Spreadsheet


Click on Upload Student Information


Verify how many Student Records were Added


Click on Close

How do I delete a student?

Click on Students


Click on the Checkmark Besides the Student's Name


Click on the Trash Icon

How do I send a Reading Report?

Click on Students


Click on the Report Icon


Select a Date to send the Report


Click on Preview Report


Review the Report


Click on Send Report

How do I adjust the AI reading speed in the app?

How do I adjust the font size in the app?