Reading Tutoring Activities For Teaching Online

September 15, 2020

Reading Tutoring Activities For Teaching Online

Teachers everywhere know that reading is an important part of the learning process. Reading is the key way that many students learn information and concepts as they get older. When children first enter school they are learning to read, but eventually they will make the switch to reading to learn. That’s why it is important for parents and teachers to make sure children are getting the right reading support early on. Teachers and parents alike can help improve reading skills by providing reading tutoring activities for teaching reading online.

Sight words and building vocabulary

Learning sight words is essential for new readers to be able to build their other reading skills. Sight words are commonly used words, and they also do not follow the usual spelling rules and conventions.

New readers will also greatly benefit from building their vocabulary in general. Knowing more vocabulary words can help increase a reader’s fluency and reading comprehension.

Here are two online activities that can help with tutoring your child to learn more sight words and vocabulary words: – This website is a great tool to use for building vocabulary. The website has many different kinds of vocabulary lists or you can make a custom list for your child. There are specific lists such as ones that only have sight words.

The website also has tons of worksheets and word games you can use to help your child have fun and learn new words at the same time.

Word Bingo – This fun version of the traditional game of bingo helps improve vocabulary but also spelling. There are many different ways you can play this game.

In one fun version, you can have each square with a letter and your child must be able to spell a word successfully to win. You can also have each square with one word and as you read aloud the definition your child must guess which word in the square corresponds to the definition.

You can find many versions of word bingo online with already made bingo cards that are printable.


Fluency is a reading skill that consists of other skills working together. Your child’s reading fluency depends on their vocabulary bank, speed, accuracy, and proper expression.

All these elements work together to make sure that your child is reading fluently, which means they are reading in a way that is natural. If they were to read aloud, they would sound just as fluent as when they are speaking.

Readability – Apps are a great online tool to use for tutoring because you can take them everywhere, and your child is able to learn and practice reading anywhere and anytime.

Readability in particular can help with fluency because it offers a model of reading for your child and also gives your child feedback for how well they are reading.

Readability has a large library of original content that is constantly being updated, so your child will always have something to read.

The app gives your child the option of reading the book aloud as the app listens to them and gives them feedback and error correction to help them improve. Your child can also switch roles and have the app read the story to them as they follow along. This can help with fluency as your child can have multiple exposures and time to practice the materials.

Rewordify – This website is great for building vocabulary and simplifying sentences in any text that your child is reading. You can input any text into the website and it will identify difficult vocabulary words and simplify it. This helps your child understand texts easier and improve their fluency.

Reading Tutoring Activities For Teaching Online

Reading comprehension 

Reading comprehension is generally the overall goal of reading instruction.

Reading comprehension is being able to understand what the reading material actually says and then being able to make connections between the information in the reading and to what you already know.

Successful reading comprehension means your child not only understands the meaning of the text but can think critically and outside of it. This is important for them to master because it is an academic skill they will use all throughout their education.

Mind mapping – A mind map is a great activity to help your child organize their thoughts about the reading and to actually visually see the connections they are making in their mind.

Quizlet – Asking questions about the reading and recalling information from the reading are also important parts of comprehension. You can create custom quizzes about anything your child is reading with Quizlet that can help your child check their understanding of the reading material.

There are many different skills that new readers should improve and master as they learn to read.

Successful reading means being able to recognize vocabulary quickly and easily. It also involves reading fluently or as naturally as possible. Reading comprehension is often the last step in successful reading processes.

Improving these skills can help your child learn to read successfully and they can improve all of these skills from the comfort of their home thanks to online tools such as Readability that assist teachers and parents teach from home.