How to Help My 2nd Grader With Reading

September 8, 2020

How to Help My 2nd Grader With Reading

Most children learn to read by the age of 7, which means your child should be reading by the time they enter 2nd grade. But unfortunately, some children are still struggling to develop critical reading skills in 2nd grade.

If your child is struggling to read, it’s important to help them overcome these obstacles so they don’t fall behind academically. Here’s how to help my 2nd grader with reading:

What Should A 2nd Grader Be Able to Read?

The first step in helping your 2nd grader is learning how to spot the signs of a struggling reader. By 2nd grade, every child should have mastered certain reading skills, including:

  • Reading at least 50 to 60 words per minute at the start of the academic year.
  • Tapping into their background knowledge to gain a deeper understanding of what they are reading.
  • Correctly pronouncing the majority of words found in books for 2nd graders.
  • Reading more complex words, such as those with more than one syllable.
  • Reading different genres of books.
  • Identifying the main idea and key points of a story.
  • Reading independently.

If your child has not developed these skills, this could indicate that they are struggling with reading.

How Can I Help My 2nd Grader With Reading Fluency?

Reading fluency is the ability to read text with speed, accuracy, and expression. You can help your child improve this vital skill by following these tips at home:

  • Read aloud to your child on a regular basis. Read at a normal pace and with great expression. This exercise, which is called modeling, will show your child what fluent reading sounds like so know what to strive for when reading on their own.
  • Reread the same books. Ask your child to reread their favorite books aloud over and over again. The more they read the same book, the more fluent they will become.
  • Read aloud together. Read a passage aloud and ask your child to read it aloud with you. Tell your child to try to match your pace and expression as you read together.
  • Use sight word flashcards. Memorizing more sight words will help your child read with a higher degree of accuracy.

How to Help My 2nd Grader With Reading

How Can I Help My 2nd Grader With Phonics?

Phonics is the relationship between letters and sounds. If your child does not have a strong foundation in phonics, they may struggle to sound out and correctly pronounce words while reading. To improve your child’s phonics, follow these tips:

  • Build words together. Give your child a word to start with, such as “do.” Then, see how many words you can build off of this base word. Some examples of words you can build off of this base word include “doable,” “done,” “undo,” and “redo.”
  • Break down complex words. Show your child how to sound out a long word by breaking it down into smaller parts.
  • List words that rhyme. Give your child a word and ask them to think of words that rhyme with it.
  • Correct their mistakes. If your child is reading aloud, be sure to listen carefully so you can correct their pronunciation errors. It’s important to point out these errors so they can learn from their mistakes.

How Can I Help My 2nd Grader With Reading Comprehension?

Reading comprehension, which is the ability to understand the meaning of text, is another crucial reading skill. Follow these tips to improve your 2nd grader’s reading comprehension at home:

  • Get your child to retell the story they just finished reading. Summarizing a story helps your child identify the main ideas, determine which facts aren’t relevant, and check their comprehension.
  • Ask your child questions. You should ask both fact-based and opinion-based questions. Examples of fact-based questions are “What kind of pet does the main character have?” or “What did this character get for her birthday?” Examples of opinion-based questions include “Do you think the main character made the right decision?” or “What do you think would happen next if this story continued?”
  • Connect the text to events in your child’s life. Help your child better understand the text by connecting what happened to real events in your child’s life. This exercise can help your child understand the characters’ motivations, actions, and feelings.

What is the Best Way to Help 2nd Graders With Reading At Home?

Parents should use every tool at their disposal in order to help their 2nd graders become stronger readers. One of the most effective tools for struggling readers is the Readability app, which is the only smart reading and comprehension learning app that your child can use anytime, anywhere.

The Readability app is designed with innovative technologies that allow it to communicate and work with your child just like a reading tutor would. By using Readability, 2nd graders can drastically improve their phonics, fluency, and reading comprehension skills .

Let Readability help you turn your 2nd grader into the strong reader they were born to be. Download the app on your smartphone or tablet to start your free 7-day trial today.