How can AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology support students in reading? AI leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. When applying AI to reading, the advanced speech recognition can be used to: 

  • Listen
  • Prompt
  • Correct
  • Assess
  • Encourage

As students read the highlighted words aloud, AI  listens and provides real-time feedback and pronunciation corrections when needed. This, in turn, provides students with the confidence to read independently.

What if every TK-4th grade student could have a personalized reading tutor?

With recent  research by The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading around poverty and graduation being linked to the ability to read by third grade, we know that providing every opportunity for students to be successful in reading is essential. Students who do not read proficiently by third grade are:

  • Four times more likely to leave high school without a diploma than proficient readers.
  • Among children who never lived in poverty, all but 2 percent of the best-third grade readers graduated from high school on time.
  • One in six children who are not reading proficiently in third grade do not graduate from high school on time, a rate four times greater than that for proficient readers.

We know that a comprehensive reading program that engages students both at school and at home is key to success. Students need support in their reading practice that can travel with them between school and home.  At Readability, we have created an AI tutor that listens and provides real-time feedback and pronunciation corrections when needed.

How Readability’s AI Tutor works;

Readability AI Tutor supports TK-4th grade students with practice in::

  • Leveled reading
  • Fluency
  • Comprehension
  • Vocabulary development
  • Personalized plan
Students use the Readability AI tutor at school, at home, and in after-school programs to practice reading skills. Students can access it anytime and anywhere with a laptop, smartphone (iPhone & Android), or tablet.
Teachers assign reading levels (based on assessments) and the number of minutes to be read each day.
Parents and teachers can monitor student progress using the dashboard feature.
The library offers a diverse variety of fiction and non-fiction choices for students to engage with while mastering their reading. Each book comes with a set of comprehension questions and vocabulary words.

Learn more about Readability EDU and see it in action by sending a request for more information or scheduling a short demo.

Phone: 888-850-3997