Cultivating an Emotionally Literate Brain

Emotionally Literate Brain

Emotions are important tools in the human experience that are often overlooked. They are the fuel that motivates us, and connects our thoughts to our actions. Without emotion, we would never set out to achieve, attempt to protect ourselves from disaster, or form bonds with loved ones and friends. Yet we know very little about … Read more

Five Worrisome Literacy Statistics that Show Why Reading Struggles Need Early Intervention

Literacy Statistics

Reading struggles are not uncommon. However, the longer a child struggles with reading, the harder it might be for them to catch up to grade-level benchmarks. Unfortunately, some children never reach grade-level expectations. No child is a statistic, yet these five literacy statistics highlight the importance of early intervention for those with reading struggles: More … Read more

What is the Best App for Struggling Readers?

Best App for Struggling Readers

Children in elementary school could struggle with reading for a number of reasons. Phonics/phonetics might impede a child’s ability to decode words and read fluently. Other children can struggle with understanding the story; they may have trouble retelling or identifying the answers to basic comprehension questions. Children who struggle to read could avoid reading. However, … Read more

10 Staggering Statistics About Struggling Readers and Reading Growth

Struggling Readers and Reading Growth

Parents of children who struggle to read should understand that their child isn’t alone; it’s estimated that millions of children have reading difficulties. When reading struggles are identified, though, parents can take steps to help their child. Unfortunately, some children fall through the cracks because their struggles may never be identified. As reading becomes more … Read more

These are the Best Resources for Struggling Readers

Resources for Struggling Readers

There are millions of children who struggle with reading. These struggles might be related to phonemic/phonetic awareness, fluency, reading comprehension or combination of these literacy skills. Some children might read slightly below grade level, while others lag far behind their peers. Helping a child with reading and working with them to hit grade-level benchmarks requires … Read more