How Can Parents Ease Anxiety for Struggling Readers?

How Can Parents Ease Anxiety for Struggling Readers

Millions of children struggle to read. In the U.S., the majority of fourth graders don’t read at a proficient level. The Nation’s Report Card shows that less than one-third of fourth graders in the country scored at a proficient reading level (or above). Children who are reading below grade-level expectations could experience feelings of anxiety … Read more

How Can Teachers Help Struggling Readers Increase Their Reading Skills?

How Can Teachers Help Struggling Readers Increase Their Reading Skills

The pandemic caused a learning crisis. While some students had access to help and online capabilities that allowed them to continue to learn as schools shutdown, others did not have the technology necessary to keep up with schoolwork. Unfortunately, many children fell behind during remote learning. The Nation’s Report Card noted that the majority of … Read more

Cultivating an Emotionally Literate Brain

Emotionally Literate Brain

Emotions are important tools in the human experience that are often overlooked. They are the fuel that motivates us, and connects our thoughts to our actions. Without emotion, we would never set out to achieve, attempt to protect ourselves from disaster, or form bonds with loved ones and friends. Yet we know very little about … Read more

Five Worrisome Literacy Statistics that Show Why Reading Struggles Need Early Intervention

Literacy Statistics

Reading struggles are not uncommon. However, the longer a child struggles with reading, the harder it might be for them to catch up to grade-level benchmarks. Unfortunately, some children never reach grade-level expectations. No child is a statistic, yet these five literacy statistics highlight the importance of early intervention for those with reading struggles: More … Read more