How Parents Can Be Their Child’s Reading Tutor

How Parents Can Be Their Child’s Reading Tutor

Private reading tutors can be expensive, especially if a family is on a tight budget. While many parents aren’t experts in reading instruction or might not have degrees in education, they can still provide guidance and basic reading instruction at home. If a child only needs a little extra guidance to meet benchmarks or to … Read more

Why Children Have Reading Difficulties and how to Provide Reading Help at Home

Why Children Have Reading Difficulties and how to Provide Reading Help at Home

Understanding why a child is struggling to read may help parents provide reading help at home. Some children may struggle to read because of an underlying medical condition (perhaps a hearing impairment), while other children might have fallen behind their peers in reading because of other reasons. Dyslexia also might be a concern for parents; … Read more

Reading Help: Why Some Children Struggle to Read

extra reading help

Reading problems can be caused by many issues, and the reading help children need may differ because of the underlying causes of their struggle. Children could have a medical condition like a hearing impairment that affects the way they understand language. A learning disorder called dyslexia also could be the cause of reading struggles. According … Read more