How Can You Help Your Child Love Reading?

Help your child love reading at home

Many parents know that when your child is first learning to read it can be a struggle to get them to enjoy it. Children might not choose reading a book over playing a video game, but research shows that improvements in reading skills can help them in other areas of learning, too. Some kids genuinely … Read more

How to Help a Child Struggling With Reading

A young girl struggles with her reading homework

Parents may not always realize that their child is struggling with reading until the problem becomes more pronounced. Maybe the child seems disinterested in practicing sight words or avoids reading at night. Eventually, parents may receive notes from the teacher or may be informed during conferences that the school is concerned that the child is … Read more

Best Reading Programs for Struggling Readers

A child sits on a large stack of books reading while wearing large glasses

When a child struggles to read at grade level, parents may feel powerless to help them. The issues compound if a child is unable to qualify for special education services or other intervention programs at school to help them catch up to their peers. Parents may start investigating reading programs to provide at-home enrichment and … Read more